Hair is the 1st thing. And teeth the 2nd. Hair and teeth. A man got those two things he’s got it all

Mr Pumblechook

CRank: 5Score: 90390

The DualSense being used on a Nintendo Switch is a great example of how far Sony has iterated and improved their PlayStation controller over the years. Firstly, because it signifies that it's a quality controller that Nintendo Switch owners who want a Pro controller desire to use the DualSense.

The DualShock 3 was not the most comfortable of controllers and it was compared unfavourably to the Xbox 360 controller, rightly so. The DualShock 4 was a massive improvement and...

1418d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

'Video Reveals How Easy It Is To Clean'

I can't understand Portuguese and there are no subtitles. Obviously his Xbox SX is brand new what makes him think it gets dirty inside? And if there isn't a door or a panel to enable easy access I don't really want to be pulling parts of my new console out!

1419d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

Is there any MODS here that can help? I made a reasonable, intelligent and well-explained comment about a potential sales disparity and because some immature Xbox fans (not the whole Xbox N4G community) disagreed they've have reported it as SPAM. It wasn't spam and this is suppressing views they disagree with.

Can anybody help with this please?

1420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because of embargoes, the reviewers cannot discuss the performance on next-gen consoles. So until they can we don't know if the experience will be better.

1420d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

@thornintheside Your questions about measuring social media engagement of the two companies is reasonable. However, it's not that you measure each like for like, ie compare three Xbox UI videos to three PlayStation UI videos. Rather the purpose of looking broadly at social media engagement is that when people engage online through comments, viewing videos, shares etc they do so because of interest (or upset) and they want to know more. And search engine Google and now Microsoft Bing are a...

1421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To say these two consoles will only have a 5 million units sales difference after a year is effectively saying they will sell approximately equal which is a ridiculous claim when you take account of worldwide markets. Let's leave the fanboy arguments aside. Yes the Xbox Series X is the more powerful console but that doesn't automatically mean it will help it to sell more.

Judging by the last generation sales difference between XBO and PS4 and the social media engage...

1421d ago 30 agree7 disagreeView comment

I think what makes a good WRPG is a lively tavern with boisterous wenches and music being played on a lute as it really helps set the scene.

1423d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Often developer salary bonuses are dependent on a high Metacritic score. I wonder if the political websites, you know the ones, will mark Cyberpunk 2077 lower than it deserves just to make a statement about staff crunch as reported by Jason Schreier. Not understanding that they are damaging the bonuses of the staff they proclaim to support.

1423d ago 27 agree0 disagreeView comment

“I’m worried that playing some games will feel more like a part-time job than ever before.”

Sony reveals a brand new next-generation features for the PS5 user interface and along comes a reporter at Techradar who eulogised for Series X to come and say it’s a bad thing? Better it’s never bad. If he doesn’t want to use the features he shouldn’t, but he shouldn’t talk from a position of privilege that the gaming public shouldn’t.

1427d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

This guy Austin Evans is a chump and this video shows exactly why Sony didn't send him a PlayStation. Throughout he's making jokes a PlayStation consoles and owners' expense, not in a fun way, but in a fanboy way because throughout he doesn't do the same with Xbox. He's mocks how PlayStation owners talk on PSN "I'm gonna teabag ur mom” and breaks the DualSense controller. And if you've watched his coverage of the Xbox Series X, unlike other people who praised ...

1428d ago 22 agree4 disagreeView comment

@RaidenBlack Nothing wrong with having a favourite platform, but Austin Evans and Kevin Kenson have got their heads so far up the Xbox arse that their output is biased. Just take a look at Kenson's thumbnails to see how he does negative faces for everything PS5 and positive for everything XSX.

1429d ago 51 agree13 disagreeView comment

"If you’d like to visit Biden HQ on your Switch, you’ll need to lay in a bed and fall asleep. Then, you’ll be prompted by Luna, the dream suite tapir character, to enter a Dream code. For Biden’s island, simply type in: DA-7286-5710-7478. But if you’re without a Switch, or oftentimes leave yours uncharged like me, head over to the KindaFunny Twitch stream at 2PM ET, which is run by gaming influencers Gary Whitta and Greg Miller, to experience a live tour of Biden HQ."

1432d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
1433d ago Show

I suspect the next-next-gen Xbox have more memory allocated to the user interface to allow players to interact with games in more advanced ways. And hopefully, there will be internal revisions to the controller to allow greater variations of physical feedback for the player.

1434d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

It’s like boasting that you can help someone lose 16 kilos in seconds so they can run faster - and then chopping their arm off.

1435d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

Essentially this means the games aren't coming to PlayStation.

A person with a journalism qualification and some INTEGRITY would have pushed Phil Spencer on this, instead, we got an easy Q&A that was more like a PR press release. When news broke that Avengers on PS4 would get an exclusive Spider-Man costume RESET ERA and the BROKEN GAMES MEDIA had a meltdown and said it was anti-consumer, but THIS! These anticipated multi-format games that have sold best on PlayStat...

1436d ago 20 agree38 disagreeView comment

Bing?!! BING!!! Who on Earth want's Bing? 🤣
Methinks Microsoft should have kept quiet on this little bit of bad news, not announce it.

1436d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not a game-changer in the console war. But it's the start of a new generation so the Series X should be able to deliver 4K in the UI. It suggests this move was done to keep parity with the Series S which isn't a 4K console. The worry is that there will be more compromises made for the weaker model.

1437d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft's new look Xbox dashboard says 'Hi.'

1437d ago 10 agree41 disagreeView comment

Gears 5 is getting a ton of coverage and promotion from Microsoft, why is this being treated like a launch exclusive?

1438d ago 56 agree6 disagreeView comment